2025 DC Miles for Melanoma

Bob's Bobbers

Bob’s Bobbers is a team formed to, support those battling melanoma and, remember Robert J. Wychulis, also known as “jojgee”.

Bob was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma, from an unknown source, in April of 2018. After immunotherapy treatments fought as long as they could, he passed on the evening of January 31, 2019.

If you were with Bob, you were probably laughing. He had an incredible sense of humor coupled with an uncanny wit. He never took things too seriously and thoroughly enjoyed life. He had a passion for the outdoors and loved being on the water and fishing. He spent many years boating with his family and fishing on the Chesapeake Bay and made annual fishing trips to Canada for 30 years with his son. Bob was an amazing, all around athlete and played basketball in high school, football in college, and spent a lifetime golfing, running, skiing, and playing cards with his family. He loved drinking a martini and cooking dinner. He was an avid Philidelphia Eagles fan and was the founding father of the family’s Eagles fan club.

Bob was born in the small coal mining town of Shenandoah, Pennsylvania. After attending Kings College, in Wilkes-Barre, PA and serving in the U.S. Navy, he relocated to the Washington, DC area to raise his family. He worked as an Investigator for the U.S. General Accountability Office and retired in 1995 and moved back to Pennsylvania in 2004.

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